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John Kerry: I write emails assuming that Russia and China are ‘very likely’ reading them

AP Secretary of State John Kerry says he writes emails “with Buy Nolvadex the awareness” that Russian and Chinese hackers are likely reading them, he revealed in an interview with CBS News on Tuesday. “It Buy Nolvadex Online is very likely. It is not. outside the realm of possibility and we know they have attacked a number of American interests over the course of the last few days,” Kerry said, referring to recent reports that Russian hackers attacked the Pentagon and Chinese cyberspies were reading US officials’ emails. “It’s very possible. and I certainly write things with that awareness,” Kerry added. He did not specify whether he was referring to personal email, government email, or Buy Cheap Generic Tamoxifen both. See photos of John Kerry on his travels: PHOTO GALLERY | 1 of 20 IMAGES US-Secretary of State, John Kerry waves after Buy Cheap Tamoxifen disembarking on May 3, 2015 from his airplane at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in the Kenyan capital, Buy Cheap Nolvadex Nairobi. Kerry arrived in Kenya for talks on security cooperation and ahead of US President Barack Obama’s visit to his late father’s home country. The trip to the east Buy Tamoxifen Online African nation is the first high-level visit since 2012, Buy Nolvadex and comes after years of tensions surrounding Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta being charged by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. AFP Buy Generic Tamoxifen Online PHOTO/TONY KARUMBA (Photo credit should read TONY KARUMBA/AFP/Getty Images) Chinese cyberspies Buy Tamoxifen Online have reportedly been reading Buy Tamoxifen Buy Nolvadex Online the private emails of Obama-administration officials and “top national security and trade officials” since 2010. The report comes amid the ongoing issue Buy Cheap Generic Tamoxifen of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server for work-related correspondences while she served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. Buy Generic Tamoxifen Online Her private server Buy Cheap Tamoxifenwas handed over to the FBI yesterday as part of an ongoing investigation. Personal inboxes are not the only things being targeted: Chinese hackers — known as the “bullies of cyberspace” — have breached airlines, health-insurance companies, and other government agencies to collect intelligence on US officials and their foreign contacts. More than 21 million people had their sensitive background and security-clearance information stolen when Chinese hackers breached Office of Personnel Buy Cheap Nolvadex Management (OPM) databases in early 2014. The same hackers reportedly attacked United Airlines — the main airline flying in and out of Washington, DC’s Dulles Airport — and American airlines. Kerry emphasized that he is Buy Cheap Generic Tamoxifen well Buy Nolvadex aware of the changing nature of espionage. He also noted that cyberattacks are of “enormous concern” to the administration. “Spying has taken place for centuries and the latest means of spying is to be going after peoples’ cyber,” Buy Tamoxifen he said. “Companies Buy Cheap Tamoxifen spend billions of dollars to protect themselves, the United States Buy Nolvadex Online government does the Buy Cheap Generic Tamoxifen same.” Still, as geopolitical expert Ian Bremmer noted to Business Insider in June, “there’s no effective defense against these attacks and, as we’ve seen, there’s also no Buy Generic Tamoxifen Online effective Buy Tamoxifen Online deterrence.”

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Rashida Chowdhury — a 21-year-old mother living in Queens, New York — threw her newborn son out of the bathroom window of her apartment last week around 4 a.m. The baby died from blunt impact injuries. Chowdhury’s Buy Nolvadex Online son Rizwan Buy Nolvadex had just returned home from a four-day long stay in the hospital, where he was being treated for a Buy Cheap Tamoxifen viral infection. Chowdhury’s neighbor reportedly heard the child fall to Buy Cheap Generic Tamoxifen the ground, and the Buy Cheap Nolvadex mother told authorities that she threw her Buy Tamoxifen Online son out of the window Buy Nolvadex because she was “stopping the pain.” The mother has been charged with murder.

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These condoms spread awareness about endangered animals

Spreading awareness about endangered species is important, but the Center for Biological Diversity just took it to a whole new level: The Buy Nolvadex environmental advocacy group is using condoms to encourage people to save animals in danger Buy Tamoxifen Online of extinction. With phrases like “For the sake of the horned lizard, slow down, love wizard” and “Can’t refrain? Remember the whooping crane” — to name a few — you can’t help but admit that this Buy Nolvadex Online campaign in hilariously clever. Other featured animals include the burying beetle (“Cover your tweedle, save the burying beetle”) and the Florida panther (“Don’t go Buy Cheap Nolvadex bare, panthers are rare”). The distribution of the Buy Cheap Generic Tamoxifen condoms is very well thought through, too. The Center for Biological Buy Nolvadex diversity has distributed 10,000 condoms Buy Nolvadex Online per year for several Buy Tamoxifen years now, just in time to coincide with the U.N.’s World Population Day, Buy Nolvadex Online which was on July 11 Buy Cheap Tamoxifen this year. The Center for Biological Diversity said that their goal is to “help volunteers start the Buy Cheap Nolvadex conversation Buy Nolvadex about the Buy Cheap Generic Tamoxifen impact of runaway human population growth on polar Buy Tamoxifen bears, monarch butterflies and other imperiled wildlife.” While the condoms themselves don’t display the witty sayings or pictures of the animals, you can find the witty words Buy Cheap Tamoxifen and Buy Nolvadex images on the condom packages.

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    As one of the most heavily attended museums in the United States, and one of the most attended venues in Houston, the Museum houses the Burke Baker Planetarium. Wortham GIANT Screen Theatre. Cockrell Butterfly Center and a fascinating variety of permanent exhibit areas that examine astronomy, space science, Native American culture, paleontology, energy, chemistry, gems and minerals, seashells, Texas wildlife and much more. In addition, the museum frequently presents traveling exhibitions on a variety of topics .

    1500 Binz St, Houston, Texas 77004 (map ); Telephone 713-522-1138

    The Children’s Museum of Houston offers a multitude of exhibits bursting with action-packed fun that engage kids in the ultimate learning experience.

    6200 Hermann Park Drive, Houston, Texas 77030 (web ); Telephone 713-533-6500

    The Houston Zoo is made up of many moving parts. We have over 6,000 permanent residents (our animals) for whom we provide housing, meals, medical care and, yes, even education! There are over over 1.84 million guests each year who come to experience our incredible variety of animals and ecosystems, as well as attend special private and public events and entertainment.

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    Downtown Aquarium is a magnificent six-acre entertainment and dining complex is a 500,000-gallon aquatic wonderland, home to over 200 species of aquatic life from around the globe. With a full-service restaurant, an upscale bar, a fully equipped ballroom, aquatic & geographic exhibits, shopping and a variety of amusements, Downtown Aquarium has it all!

    Additional Houston Attractions

    • Gulf Greyhound Park – Interstate 45 at Exit 15; Tel. 800-ASK-2WIN (800-275-2946)
    • Reliant Park – 8400 Kirby at Loop 610, Houston, Texas
    • Texas Seaport Museum – Pier 21, Number 8, Galveston, Texas 77550; Tel. 409-763-1877
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