
Buy Unprescribed Clomid Online





Buy Unprescribed Clomid Online

















































unprescribed clomid on internet

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I have been TTC for over 6 yrs now, I did get pregnant 2 yrs ago on my honeymoon but when we went for the 12 week scan the baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks 🙁

I know and understand that i will get negative replies to my post and trust me I already know myself all the negatives but after 6 years of trying I believe there becomes a time when you will try anything.

I have been sent to the hospital about 3 years ago and all the test came back as normal other than ovulation appeared to be irregular.

I have found on the internet after over a year of searching a uk seller of clomid (not allowed it on the NHS) which I purchased and took 50mg on days 3-8.

My fingers and toes are crossed that it will work haven’t had any major symtons other than hot flushes in the night and a slight bloating feeling in my tummy.

Is there anyone on here who has either done this with success I’d love to hear from you.


Last edited 02/10/2014

I have had issues with PSOC and fertily have just started. i never thought was a big deal that i wasn’t getting my period, or have PSOC until i tried to get pregnant. Now i have been trying for 8 months and i scared that because of my disease i will never have a family of my own. it is my worst fear. i am 25,married and ready for family. My husband has a son thats 6, and i know i have the issue not him. I have been off birth control since summer and got my period normal for 3 months. i didnt get it for a couple months so my doctor perscribed Provera. and told me there was alot of things that needed to be done before she can give me clomid. So i took the easy way! and i ordered it online from some random website. i wasn’t going to take them unless they have proper writing say what they were. and it did! this is a picture of what i got. and i want to know if it is real? i took the clomid on days8 and im done taking it today. i feel nothing! NO SIDE EFFECTS. this is real? did i take a sugar pill?

Me -27 PCOS & Epilepsy & blocked LT tube DH -32 Perfect

TTC #1 – Since June 2013

Baby girl arrived 7/31

I would not reccomend taking anything that you purchased on the internet.

Last edited 02/09/2014

I would not reccomend taking anything that you purchased on the internet. Even if it “looks” like clomid, it doesnt mean it is clomid. There is a reason that your doctor said there are things that need to be done before taking Clomid. It is a drug that you need to be monitored on and can have SERIOUS side effects and long term effects. I would let your doctor know right away about taking that. If you did indeed take it on cd8 already than you are not taking it how it would be prescribed anyway. Even though you have pcos, your DH needs to still be checked because if there is something wrong with him, then its not going to help you at all wether you take prescribed clomid or not. Thats why you need to get the work up done. I know it can be a long process but 8 months is not that long of trying. I highly recommend letting your doctor know if you have taken this and would HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend not taking this again!

Hey i see that your on Clomid, and i am going to start it soon with my doctor. i was wondering if you knew the issue of why you cant get pregnant?

my clomid was white and how can you be sure you didn’t get a fake drug?

also so not a good idea to be on fert drugs unmonitored:

Fertility drugs require monitoring which means seeing a RE or specialist for ultra sounds at least twice during a cycle, blood tests at least twice during a cycle which could costs $$$ and most insurance do not cover it so it’s out of pocket.

Reason for monitoring while on fertility meds is because of side effects that can affect fertility and worse case leave user infertile.

Drug online aren’t regulated and most likely counterfeit.

Start with the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility and learn about non medicated proactive tools to assist with pregnancy.

After 3 complete temping cycles and still no pregnancy, take your charts to your ob and go on from there.

My RE cancelled future clomid scripts because of the s/e. Hair loss, weight gain, hot flashes, migraines, blurred vision, moody, angry, crying mood swings (it’s usually called cloMAD), horrible cramps, messed up my ovulation, heart palpitations, chest pains. All happened regardless of time of day I took my pills. You can have the side effects months after you’ve stopped taking the drug.

Cost me close to $1000 a month for the drug and the ultrasounds/RE visits. Ultra sound before I took the meds because it can grow cysts which can prevent o. Another ultrasound days after dose to check uterus lining since the drug can thin possibly preventing implantation.

Then had 2 IUIs because clomid can make cm so thick it can block the cervix preventing sperm entrance.

It screwed up my ovulation so I said forget treatments I needed a break before I try another drug. The cycle after I got my bfp-no drugs!

If you have any severe cramping you better tell your doctor ‘cause you could be suffering from ohss which could lead to infertility if left untreated.

^what Rosey said.

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I took 50 mg unprescribed clomid which I went abroad to buy over the counter. I took it day 3 – 7. Towards the end of the cycle I experienced bad pregnancy/pms symptoms. Turned out to be pms and I had a very crampy period. The pains returned after the period finished and now are more pronounced with shooting pains, bloatedness, cramps and aches. I am on the 6th day of my cycle. Am pretty sure I’ve overstimulated but am afraid to go the the doctor because I’ll have to admit what I have done. I’m just praying it all goes away by itself. Needless to say I haven’t taken the second course and I think I’ll leave it alone after this.

I have been TTC for almost 11 years now and no children just yet.Finally my Gyn sent me to see and RE doctor and i was given Clomid.I was placed on Provera first to regulate AF and then i finally started my First cycle of Clomid today 50mg.I look forwars to see what the future holds for me and my husband.Now i am on CD 1 of the Clomid and i hope that i will acheive OV.I will continue taking my BBT and my OPK test daily.

Hi all, Im mummy to a 4 year old little girl and although my cycles are very irregular i dont think i would have a problem conceiving again when i try for baby number 2 sometime next year. Im just looking into trying Clomid to try my luck at conceiving twins (during my first pregnany my doctor thought i was having twins which I began to get really excited about until i discovered i actually wasnt!) Ive read some worrying stories about taking it unprescribed but i want twins so badly im going to concentrate on all the good stories ive heard – My question is what is a reliable website to order genuine Clomid from? Ive heard Mexmeds4you mentioned. but does this ship to the UK? and is it deffinately Clomid? My main concern is taking something unknown which isnt really Clomid (My plans are to take the minimum dosage and keep an eye out for any problems and follow instructions strictly) Sorry to waffle on but I’m serious about trying this route and if it doesnt turn out as twins then at least I know I tryed this option and it just wasnt to be. *Has anyone conceived twins using unprescribed Clomid from a genuine website?* Thanks 🙂

I took u/p clomid cd3-7 this month. I ovulated on cd14 like I do every other month as I do ovulate regularly and just took the clomid with hopes of conceiving twins. I had sharp ovulation pains on my left ovary all that Friday and then sharp ovulation pains from my right ovary all that Saturday. I am hoping that I released an egg from both ovaries. I’m currently 11dpo and will be testing on Friday although I am pretty sure I am already pregnant I just want to know with how many babies. I will be scheduling an ultrasound in two weeks when I’m six weeks pregnant. I will keep everyone updated and I hope to hear some more twin success stories.

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