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Expressions of interest are now open for

White Night Melbourne 2017

To register interest please visit: www.whitenightmelbourne.com.au

White Night Melbourne will return to the streets, laneways and gardens of the CBD from dusk till dawn on Saturday 18 February, 2017 and the inaugural White Night Ballarat will follow on Saturday 4 March, 2017.

Expressions of interest from artists and performers wanting to participate in White Night Melbourne are now open and full details can be found at www.whitenightmelbourne.com.au

The White Night Ballarat website will be launched and open for Expressions of Interest on 9 August 2016.

White Night Melbourne is one of Australia’s most celebrated cultural events that continues to draw record crowds into Melbourne’s CBD. Due to the success of the past 4 events, next year will mark the first regional White Night in Ballarat.

Minister for Creative Industries Martin Foley said, “Next year’s White Night events will be an opportunity to showcase the diversity and talent of our creative state to hundreds of thousands of people of all ages. These events will be platforms for independent artists, arts and cultural organisations and creative businesses from right across the state so if you’ve got an idea that will showcase Melbourne or Ballarat in a whole new light, I encourage you to get involved.”

Newly appointed White Night 2017 Artistic Director and Executive Producer, David Atkins, said “Over the last 4 years White Night has provided a unique platform for the presentation and performance of hundreds artists during its unique 12 hours of programming. Over half a million people attend White Night and this exposure and environment is an unprecedented opportunity for artists and performers locally, regionally, nationally and internationally to present their work. We have launched the Expression of Interest submissions for artists and performers for White Night Melbourne 2017 and we are looking forward to an overwhelming response.”

Expressions of Interest are open now through to midnight on the 23rd August 2016 via the White Night Melbourne website www.whitenightmelbourne.com.au

For further details visit:

White Night Melbourne:

7pm Saturday 18 February – 7am Sunday 19 February 2017

White Night Ballarat:

7pm Saturday 4 March 2017 – 7am Sunday 5 March 2017

January 31st, 2013

H.H. Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani inauguratesAnti Doping Laboratory Qatar

Doha – December 10, 2012 – Anti Doping Laboratory Qatar (ADLQ), the first specialised laboratory of its kind in the Middle East, was inaugurated in an official ceremony under the auspices of H.H. Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, The Heir Apparent to The State Of Qatar, on 10 th December.

ADLQ is a state-of-the-art facility that provides anti-doping testing for athletes across the Gulf region as well as West Asia. Doping control tests will be administered during competition, training and even in the off-season to catch cheats and protect athletes.

Equipped with cutting-edge technology and a specialist team, ADLQ will provide testing for all known forms of doping including testosterone, amphetamines, blood doping (reinfusion), anabolic steroids, EPO, HGH, beta blockers and even the newest form of doping – genetic doping.

This beautiful three stories’ Lab is situated on a 10,000 square meter land, right across from Aspetar within the Aspire Zone.

The Ground Floor of ADLQ hosts all administration staff and the Management team. The 1 st floor is dedicated Slot Machines to Anti-Doping testing only, the core business of ADLQ, while the 2 nd floor is available for Anti-Doping research and open to researchers who are working in similar fields; it will also house the Toxicology lab, and a multi-purpose lab to complement the clinical laboratories in the State of Qatar. The multi-purpose lab also covers the requirements and needs for a highly sophisticated analytical lab in Qatar.

ADLQ will also • ObamaCare offers a number of new benefits, rights and protections including provisions that let young adults stay on their plan until 26, stop affordablehealth.info companies from dropping you when you are sick or if you make an honest mistake on your application, prevent against gender discrimination, stop affordablehealth.info companies from making unjustified rate hikes, do away with lifetime and annual limits, give you the right to a rapid appeal of affordablehealth.info company decisions, expand coverage to tens of millions, subsidize health affordablehealth.info costs, require all insurers to cover people with preexisting conditions, among other things. strive to make drug education part of health education, lay down norms regulating the use of technology in sport and provide accurate and current information to athletes to help them think critically and make the wise choice of avoiding doping in any form.

ADLQ is seeking compliance with ISO/IEC17025 accreditation. The target is to achieve World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) accreditation by the end of 2014, joining an elite group of only 33 labs that have won WADA’s endorsement so far.

Completing the formula to sports in Qatar, as well as contributing towards Qatar”s 2030 vision to be a leader in sports, science, education and research, ADLQ endeavours to eliminate drug use in all sports and uphold the Olympic ideals of fair play and sportsmanship. In the process ADLQ will strive to make sport in all its forms fairer, safer and healthier for all stakeholders, foremost among them, athletes.

for more information

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