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Online shopping has become a popular way to purchase items without encountering the hassles of traffic and crowds. However, the internet has its own risks, so it’s important to protect yourself when shopping online. Here are some tips: Beware email requests.Legitimate businesses don’t send emails asking for personal data, but hackers often do. Pay with credit cards online.Most credit cards.
There is POWER IN NUMBERS! Our MAILHANDLERS UNION was on the front lines fighting for equality. Check out the video and witness our commitment to the fight. You should recognize some faces from Local 306
The last order of business at any NPMHU National Convention is always selecting a site for the next quadrennial convention. Under the rules governing the 2016 National Convention, delegates were able to submit, on or before 5:00 p.m. on August 24, any location covered by the 37 Local Unions for consideration by the delegates. This year, seventeen submissions were made.
Survey on young voters’ preferences NOW ON-LINE The new survey that shows young voters favor political mail over other forms of political advertising is now online. The report, which was recently released, can be downloaded from the Postal Service’s Deliver the Win site. Conducted by USPS and the American Association of Political Consultants, the study shows 42 percent of young.
Take advantage of the Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Open Season. For the first time in 12 years, as a FEGLIeligible employee you can enroll in or increase your FEGLI coverage for yourself and eligible dependent family members – without answering any medical questions or having a physical examination. All career employees are eligible to participate. Almost everyone needs.
A division of LiUNA (AFL-CIO)
We deliver innovative pharmacy solutions that are solving the problems patients face today and driving better outcomes for tomorrow.
Improving accuracy and safety, maximizing efficiency, and reducing pharmacy costs through high quality customer service and innovative technology.
Revolutionizing the long-term care industry through innovative technology and personal, dedicated service.
At Remedi, we have created a network of resources to facilitate the quick transmission of information when you need it.
Remedi SeniorCare News and Upcoming Events
When nurses use PAXIT, they quickly notice the added safety measures that are automatically put in place. As they dispense the medications, each PAXIT bag is quickly and easily verified against the MAR in 3 easy ways.
And with PAXIT, there is no commingling of medications. We remove the question of which drug is which. Each medication is individually wrapped and labeled, allowing your staff to identify each medication with no question.
Today’s complex drug regimens require stringent attention to detail. Our automated technologies not only increase workplace efficiency and cut costs, but also create a safer and healthier environment for your residents. PAXIT employs a 6-point quality verification of every dose dispensed throughout the filling process, utilizing the latest technology to ensure unparalleled accuracy. We deliver accountability down to the pill to ensure that every medication gets delivered to the right resident at the right time, every time.
Our automated technology helps increase workplace performance and overall operational efficiency by simplifying and consolidating the time-consuming and repetitive tasks, such as paperwork, that takes time away from caring for residents. PAXIT can save an average of 30 minutes per medication pass.
When nurses use Paxit, they quickly notice the added safety measures that are automatically put in place. As they dispense the medications, each Paxit bag is quickly and easily verified against the MAR in 3 easy ways.
And with Paxit, there is no co-mingling of meds. We remove the question of which drug is which. Each medication is individually wrapped and labeled, allowing your staff to identify each medication with no question.
Today’s complex drug regimens require stringent attention to detail. Our automated technologies not only increase workplace efficiency and cut costs, but also create a safer and healthier environment for your residents. Paxit employs a 6-point quality verification of every dose dispensed throughout the filling process, utilizing the latest technology to ensure unparalleled accuracy. We deliver accountability down to the pill to ensure that every medication gets delivered to the right resident at the right time, every time.
Our automated technology helps increase workplace performance and overall operational efficiency by simplifying and consolidating the time-consuming and repetitive tasks, such as paperwork, that take time away from caring for residents. Paxit can save an average of 30 minutes per med pass.
Remedi services are amazing. My consultant pharmacist, Kathy, is wonderful. The PAXIT system is great – you couldn’t make a mistake, even if you tried. And, we only have one-two days…
James White
Health & Wellness Directory
Brookdale Westerville
Expectations are very high for improving health care outcomes in the post acute setting. We have worked with Remedi for many years, and they are committed to providing the highest…
Heather Barnhart RN, BSN
Director of Nursing
F. F. Mueller Center
You guys are great with working on any issues we may run across and trying to find solutions.
April Hall
Director of Nursing
Springmeade Health Center
Remedi has been an outstanding pharmacy for Brookdale Barberton! Any issues have been addressed immediately, and their customer service goes above and beyond.
Tanya Holcomb
Health Wellness Director
Brookdale Barberton
The staff working with our facility is the best! I appreciate all of your effort and prompt attention. All of you have really gone beyond my expectations in transitioning to Remedi. I’m…
Tonya Wiley
Resident Care Director
Mayfair Village Retirement Center
Good customer service can sometimes be difficult to come by these days, but my experience with Remedi has been excellent. Remedi did an outstanding job of supporting our change over…
Cathy Zimmermann Dunn, RN, BSN
Director of Nursing
Laurels of Galesburg
Remedi structured an appropriate implementation plan for our multi-facility start ups. They had a great understanding of our clinical and financial goals and worked with us in several phases according…
Rachelle Ayers
Regional Director of Clinical Services
Aurora Health Management
Remedi Rx was instrumental in helping us prepare for our yearly survey, especially Bill Vaughan, who has extensive experience, having been a surveyor for many years. I have also found…
Barbara J. Carroll, M.D. C.M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Remedi has been a long-term partner with Carroll Lutheran Village. They truly specialize in the unique pharmaceutical needs for long-term care. They continue to invest in critical technology needed to…
Geary Milliken
Carroll Lutheran Village
We have been a client of Remedi Pharmacy for more than 10 years and were a client of Woodhaven, the original company that became Remedi, early in our facility’s history. …
Jerry Bowen
Chief Operating Office
Stella Maris, Inc.
My Remedi Account Manager is always kind, friendly and helpful. I know if there is an issue, big or small, that when I contact her, she will find a resolution, as…
Heather Maxwell, LPN
Health and Wellness Director
Brookdale Salem
My nurses love PAXIT, which I believe is the safest, most user friendly, cost saving medication dispensing system available to long-term care. Remedi continues to provide great emphasis on customer…
Kimberly Malin, RN,MSN, CDONA, CM/DN
Director of Nursing
Hillhaven Assisted Living, Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy and Edenwald have had a wonderful working relationship for several years. They provide excellent and thorough service! Remedi extends the best customer service to Edenwald and our…
Michelle Rosenheim
PAXIT’s 24-hour unit-dose med pass solution with individual blister packs has pushed our bedside accuracy and resident safety to new heights.
Vincent McCubbin
Rockville Nursing Home
With the introduction of PAXIT, our nurses are much more efficient. Plus we’ve seen a tremendous reduction in the disposal and waste of medications, and a 20% reduction in our…
Kevin Williams
Chief Operating Officer
Transitions Health Care, LLC
The most challenging piece of the transition for our staff was adjusting to the new electronic workflow. We had another electronic MAR/pharmacy, so there were some things the staff had…
Jennifer Dori, RN
Director of Nursing
Services Transitions Healthcare
The transition to Remedi as our new pharmacy has been wonderful. The amount of their preparation and support has been truly impressive; they have been here every minute to ensure…
John B. Henry
CEO, Administrator
St. Joseph’s Ministries
We were surprised to learn that Remedi and our EHR vendor already knew each other and were actively engaged in the pharmacy interface development. We didn’t have to spend extra…
Janice M. Johnson, BSN, RN-BC,
Director of Nursing
Carroll Manor Nursing & Rehab Center
The value of our partnership with Remedi is priceless. It is more than a vendor-nursing home relationship. It is trust and service, and Remedi delivers both. They care about their…
Paula L. O’Neill
N.H.A. Executive Director
Maryland Masonic Homes
I have found working with Remedi to be a positive experience for a number of reasons. They communicate professionally and in a timely manner. They are progressive in the use…
John B. Henry
St Joseph’s Ministries
To the Brothers of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
First, let me congratulate the Installation Team, led by M.W. Carson Jackson.
Thank you to the Grand Lodge team of officers for taking office, and devoting your time to this great fraternity.
The Committee’s of this Grand Jurisdiction work hard on your behalf and need your support. The District Deputies and elected District Representatives are in place to take your concerns and ideas to the Board of General Purposes.
I will endeavor to make myself and other Grand Lodge elected officers available to you and your Lodge`s special events.
The Grand Lodge has a new Grand Secretary, M.W. Bro. Daniel Campbell and we will make every effort to make his job as comfortable as possible. The staff are very capable and efficient, so if you need or want Grand Lodge Officers, you will need to book us through them. If you are planning a function and would like us to be present, please book early, our calendars fill up quickly, and we are working on first come, first served.
I would be remiss if I did not recognize the past efforts of our Past Grand Secretary M.W. Bro. Robert Northup. He has a treasure trove of knowledge of our fraternity and I am sure he will be available to help us when needed.
The Past Grand Master Ponsford has left this Grand Lodge in good condition and he needs to be commended for his approach to upgrading the level of service. If any of you look at his schedule, you would see he attended approximately 20 functions every month, a hard act to follow.
The Chair of the Board of General Purposes has worked hard this past year, replacing committees, and renewing Grand Lodge.
My intentions are to serve you and your Lodges. Please book early if you want Line Officers. Likewise, if you would like one specific officer.
Over the last 3 years, I have come to know and realize, that as Grand Master, I will need to make decisions that may not be popular, but please understand, that what I do will be in the best interest of this Grand Lodge, and will conform to the Constitution and Regulations. Brothers, over the last few years our Grand Jurisdiction has suffered, in my opinion, from too many committees and studies. It is now time for action, and the committees to go to action. My Brothers, this is your Grand Lodge and I am grateful for your allowing me to be your Grand Master.
George R. O’Leary
Grand Master
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