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We are home to an eclectic mix of music, including concerts by local and visiting artists, as well as choirs for members and friends of all ages. Find your fit in one of our ensembles, or as a member of those gathered to share in the beautiful gift of music.
Children’s Choirs
Cherub Choir
Join 4 and 5-year-olds, having their first choir experience. Rehearse the six Sunday mornings before Christmas Eve and perform at the 4:00pm service. Sign-ups available November 1.
Carol Choir
Led by church members Krista and Darin Riedel, 1st and 2nd graders meet for six weeks, twice a year, and sing at the Christmas Eve and Mother’s Day worship services.
Altar Choir
3rd through 6th graders meet every Tuesday at 6:00 PM during the school year and sing in worship once a month. They perform musicals, attend festivals and participate in the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve service. Experience handbells, recitals, learning projects, and liturgical events.
A Joyful Uproar (Summer Music)
Join your friends for a one-week musical camp for children entering grades 1-6. Meeting 8:30 AM-12:00 PM each morning Monday-Friday, our kids get to experience Orff-Schulwerk, handbells, and choir (an hour of each) under the expert leadership of staff and volunteer teachers. Stay tuned for the 2017 date.
Youth Choir
Journey Choir
Journey Choir, for grades 7-12, meets during the school year on Sunday nights at 5:00 PM before youth fellowship. This youth choir sings a wide variety of music in worship and special concerts.
Adult Choirs
Sanctuary Choir
Known as one of the premiere music ensembles in Twin Cities churches, the Sanctuary Choir leads in worship nine months of the year. Its worship repertoire has many ranges, with the main goal being that individuals experience God’s presence. The choir gives several concerts each year, singing major works of the choral/orchestral literature, both old and new. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9:30 PM. Membership is open to all. Call Bill Mathis for an interview.
Summer Choir
During the summer months, our worship music leadership mode is more informal. Join the fun on a week-to-week basis. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings before the 10:00 AM service.
Hennepin Chamber Singers
This is an auditioned ensemble of about 20 singers, meeting weekly and performing at non-Sunday morning events. The Chamber Singers give concerts at our church and around the community. Membership is by audition as openings occur.
Hennepin Chime
Hennepin Chime plays handbells monthly in worship. The Chime also performs at concerts, festivals, on Christmas Eve and other special days. Membership is by audition as openings occur.
Pacem Singers
This is a self-directed group that operates in coordination with the Pastoral Care team, creating small ensembles to sing in hospital rooms, hospice centers, and at bedsides to bring comfort. For more information, call Ginny Roach at 651-636-3379.
Ensembles at Hennepin
Several community ensembles call Hennepin Church their rehearsal home. We are delighted to be partners with these fine organizations and ambassadors of wonderful music:
The Copper Street Brass Quintet has been with HAUMC since the fall of 2008, making Hennepin Church their home base for rehearsals, office space, worship and concerts. The quintet plays in schools, churches, and concert halls in the Twin Cities and beyond. They play in worship services, giving preludes and postludes, leading hymns, and accompanying anthems. Learn more on their website.
Bells of the Lakes is a community handbell ensemble that began as an outreach of Hennepin’s music ministry. Made up of highly experienced handbell musicians, they play concerts locally and across the region. Additionally, they sponsor educational events for other ringers and directors. Learn more on their website.
The Minnesota Chorale is a highly-skilled ensemble under the direction of Dr. Kathy Romey. In addition to their own concert series, they serve as the symphony chorus for the Minnesota Orchestra. Learn more on their website.
Concert Series
Music at Hennepin Concert Series
The Music at Hennepin Concert Series has served the community since 1969 and features guest artists, as well as Hennepin Church ensembles and soloists. These are chamber-sized events generally held in the Art Gallery, with those of larger scale in the Sanctuary. For upcoming concerts, please visit the events calendar .
Salon se Leve Concert Series
Salon se Léve is co-sponsored with the Wirth Center for the Performing Arts. To encourage emerging young artists, the salon setting brings the music and the performer directly to the audience, stirring hearts and rousing emotion and imagination.
Music Staff Contact Information
William H. Mathis – Minister of Music and Fine Arts
Andrew Hackett – Organist
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