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Doxycycline Price Increase 2013
Mail Handlers Local 306
Online shopping has become a popular way to purchase items without encountering the hassles of traffic and crowds. However, the internet has its own risks, so it’s important to protect yourself when shopping online. Here are some tips: Beware email requests.Legitimate businesses don’t send emails asking for personal data, but hackers often do. Pay with credit cards online.Most credit cards.
There is POWER IN NUMBERS! Our MAILHANDLERS UNION was on the front lines fighting for equality. Check out the video and witness our commitment to the fight. You should recognize some faces from Local 306
The last order of business at any NPMHU National Convention is always selecting a site for the next quadrennial convention. Under the rules governing the 2016 National Convention, delegates were able to submit, on or before 5:00 p.m. on August 24, any location covered by the 37 Local Unions for consideration by the delegates. This year, seventeen submissions were made.
Survey on young voters’ preferences NOW ON-LINE The new survey that shows young voters favor political mail over other forms of political advertising is now online. The report, which was recently released, can be downloaded from the Postal Service’s Deliver the Win site. Conducted by USPS and the American Association of Political Consultants, the study shows 42 percent of young.
Take advantage of the Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Open Season. For the first time in 12 years, as a FEGLIeligible employee you can enroll in or increase your FEGLI coverage for yourself and eligible dependent family members – without answering any medical questions or having a physical examination. All career employees are eligible to participate. Almost everyone needs.
A division of LiUNA (AFL-CIO)
To the Brothers of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
First, let me congratulate the Installation Team, led by M.W. Carson Jackson.
Thank you to the Grand Lodge team of officers for taking office, and devoting your time to this great fraternity.
The Committee’s of this Grand Jurisdiction work hard on your behalf and need your support. The District Deputies and elected District Representatives are in place to take your concerns and ideas to the Board of General Purposes.
I will endeavor to make myself and other Grand Lodge elected officers available to you and your Lodge`s special events.
The Grand Lodge has a new Grand Secretary, M.W. Bro. Daniel Campbell and we will make every effort to make his job as comfortable as possible. The staff are very capable and efficient, so if you need or want Grand Lodge Officers, you will need to book us through them. If you are planning a function and would like us to be present, please book early, our calendars fill up quickly, and we are working on first come, first served.
I would be remiss if I did not recognize the past efforts of our Past Grand Secretary M.W. Bro. Robert Northup. He has a treasure trove of knowledge of our fraternity and I am sure he will be available to help us when needed.
The Past Grand Master Ponsford has left this Grand Lodge in good condition and he needs to be commended for his approach to upgrading the level of service. If any of you look at his schedule, you would see he attended approximately 20 functions every month, a hard act to follow.
The Chair of the Board of General Purposes has worked hard this past year, replacing committees, and renewing Grand Lodge.
My intentions are to serve you and your Lodges. Please book early if you want Line Officers. Likewise, if you would like one specific officer.
Over the last 3 years, I have come to know and realize, that as Grand Master, I will need to make decisions that may not be popular, but please understand, that what I do will be in the best interest of this Grand Lodge, and will conform to the Constitution and Regulations. Brothers, over the last few years our Grand Jurisdiction has suffered, in my opinion, from too many committees and studies. It is now time for action, and the committees to go to action. My Brothers, this is your Grand Lodge and I am grateful for your allowing me to be your Grand Master.
George R. O’Leary
Grand Master
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