
How Do I Get A Private Prescription For Clomid





How Do I Get A Private Prescription For Clomid

















































How much is Clomid?

Well i can honestly say that ive spent much of the day crying.

Went for initial consultation today only to be told that because i already have a ds – i dont qualify for any help from my local nhs (merseyside) as regards to free clomid/ics/ivf but they are going to send me for a scan, more blood tests then get dh to do a sample and then we have to decide what we want to do.

Consultant said we’d have to buy clomid but didnt say how much or for how long-i expect that will be discussed when all the tests are back over the next few weeks but i would like to get a rough idea as we will be living on beans on toast until i get them! I have irregular periods and low progesterone levels so anyone with same and got bfp please post too.

I just feel so deflated about it all as think the clomid is really all we can afford and will have to stop after that.

I know were so lucky to already have a child and im counting my blessings but its so hard.

Babydust to all-Lynne xxx

Hiya. i dont understand. i have a son who is now 11 and iv just had a Baby Girl 4 weeks ago and i have pcos and had a year of fertility injections which did’nt work and then my consultant put me on Clomid which worked for us thankfully. but we didnt have to pay a thing. true we were only allowed so many go’s of the injections first, but i think that is so unfair for you  . we live in wigan and iv heard that lots of ppl travel to go the fetility clinic were i went to as it’s so called the best one to get “results”

Big hugs and hope you can sort something out soon

I have never come across anyone who has been told they wont get clomid from a consultant but that the consultant will allow them to buy Clomid. We all have to pay for clomid, but at the rate of a normal prescription so £7.5ish.

I wouldnt start to worry abot the cost just yet. See what comes up on the scnas and samples etc (totally normal, most of us clomid girls have had ALL this done and more!) And then see what they say whne you got back.

But honestly Ive never experienced anyone saying this to anyone ttc before! I know if you have a child on either side from a exsiting or prev relationship you dont get help with iui or ivf.

Hoping you get tests etc soon so you can get your number 2 baby xxx

(I was irregular, scanned and diagnosed PCOS, scanned again, DH tested 2x and then given clomid on prescription.  I was lucky to fall on cycle 3!)

Lynne i know u feel @ the mo that nothing is happening but it is. Going for scans & ur OH getting a SA is all steps n the right direction. Like Ellen said most of us on clomid have had to get all those tests done anyways. c wot the results r like 1st & then ur consultant will b able to tell u wots nxt. I dont know much bout the NHS (am n Ireland) . but i did pay €5.36 per cycle for the tablets. Good luck xxx

I agree with the others, most of us have been through all the initial tests and then it’s decided what the next step will be. Some tests help things along and it takes some stress away as you feel that something’s actually happening.

I live in Wales so I don’t pay for my prescriptions but I will have to pay for further treatment but that is because of my age (I’m 40). I can’t understand why they would charge for Clomid when it seems to be freely available on prescription in the UK.

I am not sure why you have been told you do not qualify for Clomid. Maybe it is to do with your area?

I have a 2 year old daughter who I conceived using Clomid and i am on Clomid again TTC #2! I just have to pay the normal NHS prescription charge, but was prescribed 6 months worth so only had to pay £7.20 rather then 6 x £7.20!!

I would ask for a second opinon if possible. IVF/ICSI are funded by the NHS so I know most areas won’t give it free of charge once you have a child (I won’t qualify for free ICSI/IVF if the Clomid doesn’t work).

I just got my 1st prescription for Clomid on Thursday and was going to post this same question. I’m in Jersey, Channel Islands and as I haven’t lived here for 6 months yet I’m not entitled to anything, so will be paying for my prescription myself. I have to pick it up from the hospital pharmacy, but haven’t had a chance to pick it up yet, so have no idea how much it will cost – although the consultant who prescribed it said it is pretty cheap – and by far the cheapest of all the fertility options. l will update when I’ve collected/paid for it.

I’m of the same thinking as everyone else that has posted already that you should really be entitled to have Clomid for free or at the most pay the regular prescription price for it. 

Good-luck with all the tests and fingers crossed that you get a BFP before you need to take anything at all.

ps – just re-read your post – do you have PCOS? My tests came back that even though my AF are pretty regular (though pretty much non-existent when they do come except for the pain) I am not ovulating properly and also have low  progesterone levels. For the records – ie the private health insurance company, my consultant has prescribed Clomid to help me OV and therefore help balance my hormone levels to help with the pain (my original referral was for how much pain I was in) but in reality it will also help with TTC  - they just don’t need to know that part as they don’t cover infertility or pregnancy!

Have you tried Angus Castus to help regulate your AF – it’s known as ‘nature’s clomid’? I have heard wonderful things about it, but as we have gone private I have had all my appointments, tests and now my prescription within 12 weeks, so haven’t had a chance to try it myself as they don’t recommend you take it at the same time as Clomid. Might be worth a try. x

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Oh Donna, I can’t beleive your still stuck in limbo. It makes me so mad that you can be denied something quite simple because of our rubbish PCT.

If you want to stay local, try St Judes in Newcastle (private clinic just behind the polite vicar on sunnyside avenue I think the road is called). We got a bit of information from them but nottinghams results for ivf were too good to pass up. I know the cons at St Judes is Mr O’Brai (SP?) who is the same chap you will see at North Staffs. It is really frustrating that you would need to pay to see the same person but at least it could get the ball rolling.

Good luck sweetie

IVF #1 2008 William born 15/2/09
Our 6 yr TTC journey WAS over
Shocking natural Charlotte born 10/9/11
Our family is now complete


Reg: Feb 26th 2007

Children: one very special daughter

Monday, February 11th 2008, 4:21pm

hi there, not sure if all areas are comparable but aside from initial blood tests we had all our other tests done privately. we claimed on our private healthcare but i did get to see the costs. initial consultation was about 150. our GP referred us to the private cons and we had an appt within 3 days. is your Dh getting his SA done through his GP? probably worth waiting for the results of that before seeing anyone privately. i’m not sure how much the tracking (bloods and scans) would be privately if the cons did prescribe Clomid but i’m sure that you could find that out in a couple of phonecalls.
good luck.

me 38, DP 44, ttc since 2005
BFP May 07 – HB seen @ 8 wks but CRL only 7 weeks, m/c @ 9 wks
BFP Jan 08 -m/c @ 11 wks (D&C)
BFP Jun 08 – early loss
BFP Dec 08 – HB & CRL ok @ 8 wks, but sac too small, m/c @ 9 wks
BFP Apr 09 – Martha born 9th Jan 2010
BFP Feb 12 – Eliza born 13th Oct 2012

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    strangeasangels Sat 13-Dec-14 13:22:09

    Hi all, I have been TTC for almost 2 years now (I’m almost 33). Have spent the past year having blood tests, a scan and hubby had his sperm tested (he’s fine). Finally had my first appointment with a consultant on 24th November.

    Sadly he told me they won’t help unless I lose weight. My BMI at the appointment was 39. It was pretty soul crushing, having waited so long for the appointment and finally felt I was getting somewhere.

    Anyway I joined slimming world immediately and have lost a stone since the appointment. BMI is now 36. To be honest I knew full well I was too fat for IVF but had expected them to at least give me a Fallopian tube scan and prescribe clomid. I didn’t know how much I weighed but I am 5’10 and have a large frame, so even when I was a size 12 and at my thinnest my BMI was overweight.

    Anyway, it has taken almost a month for me to get into the mental state where I feel I can post on here! I have a friend at work going through the same thing but she’s been TTC a year less and now got clomid, I am so scared she’ll be telling me she’s pregnant any time soon (I know this makes me a bitch, I’d be happy for her obviously but I know I would feel terrible).

    I am pretty sure I am not ovulating because I am overweight and have too much oestrogen and no progesterone. Scan showed I don’t have PCOS/endo. I was on the pill for 13 solid years and can’t help feeling that could be a factor too.

    Anyway. My question is, how do I get clomid as I think that could work for me? Would a private clinic help me or am I still too fat? Does anyone have any recommendations of this? I have another 4 stone to go and I don’t feel I can cope with such a long wait again for the NHS.

    Thank you if you made it this far!

    Your bmi is still very high it would be irresponsible to get pregnant as you would be so high risk. Could you spend the next year losing weight and get to 24.9 you may well not need any fertility treatment once you are a healthy weight.

    Cantbelieveimdoingthisagain Sat 13-Dec-14 23:03:37

    AuntieStella Sun 14-Dec-14 09:10:20

    Well done on the weight loss so far!

    Have you been given a BMI target at which other options become available? I know it’s not what you want to hear, but BMI over 30 is associated with higher rates of complications and poor outcomes.

    You may be able to secure clomid from a private practice, regardless of your weight. But do pause to think about whether it might indeed be better to be at a healthy weight for that. Not because you’re being told to, but because you want as many things in your favour as possible when you try next steps.

    How much more to loose to get below 30?

    naty1 Sun 14-Dec-14 16:03:18

    I agree with a lot of PP. Bmi of 39 is pretty high. But you are doing so well.
    Certainly for ivf the bmi limit in my PCT was 30 and they showed a chart about how different bmis affected ivf success.
    Its quite true you could start to ovulate after the weight loss. There is no reason to assume it has to be pcos (unless you have other symptoms)
    I would probably concentrate on the weight loss for a few months then try some blood tests day 3, day 21, thyroid etc testosterone.
    I suspect you would be high risk (cons care) for pg if you were successful now and higher risk for numerous pg related issues. But also pg is so bad for your body (ive now got piles etc) and extra 3 stone say you really dont want that on joints etc.
    if you spend money privately and are unsuccessful on clomid you might feel annoyed and that the weight loss beforehand could make the difference.
    Im a little surprised if you knew the rules you didnt start looking at bmi while waiting for appt. i have pcos and as soon as diagnosed i obsessed a bit about weight loss (think i had bmi 23 maybe). But i think the diagnosis made the difference for me as i could see it was the only thing i could do.
    It does seem a bit harsh of them to ‘blame’ the weight as its not conclusive that it is the cause for you and especially as my DP had bmi of 30 and MFI but they never even weighed him despite weight affecting male fertility too.
    What did they say? Refer back after weight loss or would they immediately prescribe clomid?

    strangeasangels Sun 14-Dec-14 20:00:41

    Hiya all, thanks for your help. Soontobesix, a BMI of under 25 is unrealistic – as I mentioned in my post, even at a fit and healthy size 12 my BMI was overweight (27) according to the BMI scale.

    In respect of losing weight beforehand, my GP didn’t mention it when referring and I know I sound stupid, but tbh I am 5’10 and a size 18 so although I knew I was overweight, I didn’t know that my BMI was so high (in denial?). I was hoping it was under 30 (I only bought scales after the consultant appointment – gp never weighed me). So it was a long cruel wait really.

    I have had oestrogen, testosterone, progesterone (twice) all measured (multiple times) and they also tested for diabetes, liver function, thyroid. Gp was very thorough except for telling me to lose weight. So although it is my fault it is upsetting and annoying to have lost the time. Tests (and scan) all normal except low (almost nonexistent) progesterone – and I have never had a positive ovulation test.

    Tbh all the stress of a full time job, London commute and 2 years of TTC has probably increased my BMI by 10 points if I’m honest – I was probably below 30 when I started out. Hence even more frustration – I followed the guidelines and waited a year before seeing my doctor but I wish I hadn’t.

    I need to lose 1 stone 5lb to get to under 35, which appears to be the limit if you pay privately, I don’t want to do that if it’s pointless though. 4 stone to be under 30 which is a lot

    It’s not so much the weight loss but the time ticking away

    I think, based on what has happened to my friend who is similar to me but less overweight and TTC a year less (in a different PCT), the next thing is to be prescribed clomid.

    naty1 Mon 15-Dec-14 08:23:17

    I think GP should have looked up the requirements or referred you to them if they knew enough to say you needed to lose weight.

    Do you know what your thyroid was – tsh. It can affect periods, progesterone levels.
    And also are you sure the prog test were on the right cycle day? (Im sure you are but just in case). Its day 21 but that should be at least 7 days after ovulation and 7 before period starts
    Say you have a 35 day cycle you might want to test day 28 as you may only ovulate day 21. (Average 14 day luteal phase- however if you are getting low pg its possible your luteal phase is very short (mine was like 10 days)
    Tsh around 1 is apparently best for conception (but normally gp will say 4.2 is fine). And fertility clinic wanted it under 2.5.
    So its worth getting/ looking at a printout of the results. Especially if you have any symptoms of hypothyroidism.

    nc060 Tue 16-Dec-14 21:18:26

    I have a 3 month old baby conceived through clomid, I had to lose 3 stone before the NHS would prescribe it. I was told at my initial appointment that Clomid is less effective with a higher BMI. I hope that gives a bit more clarity as to why they have asked you to lose weight xx

    SilverStars Fri 19-Dec-14 22:50:46

    Hi, NHS have BMI as a guideline for IUI/IVF. My private clinic had a limit of 35 for private patients if that helps. It is great the NHs funds infertility to some extend but it is limited by a range if factors ( one cycle where I live if neither partner had a child for eg, BMI of both partners below 30, no smoking etc). BMI below 30 is said to be ideal for natural conception and increased BMI may be a cause of infertility. I am not saying I am agreeing with using BMI but results show success rates are better if lower BMI. If you had clomid at BMI of 39 and it did not work then you would have used up the set cycles the NHS allows it.

    I agree a diagnosis would help. For instance our diagnosis meant that clomid would have been no use and wasted valuable time.

    Did the consultant say what your BMI had to be for NHS clomid?

    Definitely worth seeking private referral. Most clinics have their fees on the website. Many accept NHS results if you have a print out of recent ones which reduces costs.

    naty1 Fri 19-Dec-14 23:04:27

    Interesting they never weighed Dp as his weight wasnt a criteria. I was concerned they might as hes on the edge.

    SilverStars Sat 20-Dec-14 04:14:23

    Dh was only weighed before we had IVF ( weight not an issue). Even though we are both non smokers we had to blow into a tube to prove it. Guess just as each area has different funding rules so they vary in how they implement them.

    I have to slim down from a BMI of 42 to 30 (currently at 39!) before I can get Clomid but I am going on Metformin which should help – is that an option for you? I don’t know about how well that would work if you don’t have PCOS.

    You used to be able to get it here with a BMI of 35 but they found that it just wasn’t successful so they lowered it to 30 – it’s REALLY frustrating and I totally get that but there’s nothing you can do, best to focus on the difficult task of losing weight and just keep TTCing until you can get the Clomid – sorry that’s not very helpful

    onthematleavecountdown Thu 08-Jan-15 16:26:54

    Clomid at your weight at the moment is pointless. How do you even know you need it without having had your tubes checked? Your inability to get og might simply be down to the massive amount of excess weight you are carrying. The more weight you carry the higher the risk of miscarriage, still birth, diabetes and even just getting pregnant. I’m not trying to be nasty and maybe I am a little harsh but I’ve been there, bought the tshirt.

    First stop comparing yourself to your friend. Everyone’s diagnosis is different. I started at BMI of 34 and rightly so the nhs told me to come back when I was down to 30. I lost the weight and had ivf. It worked. I am fitter, healthier and stronger than I was when I was bigger, but I have gestational diabetes. Prob due to still being classed as obese.

    I would get my BMI as close to 30 as possible before doing anything. Fat affects so many processes in our bodies, why do clomid or other drugs when you have a lower risk of it working, give yourself the best chance you can!

    In your year of tests and waiting for the appt I can’t believe no one spoke to you about your weight??

    user1471646161 Fri 19-Aug-16 23:37:47

    How Do I Get A Private Prescription For Clomid

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