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“Dancing With the Stars” champions square off on the Spike show (Spoiler alert: Please do not read on if you haven’t watched Thursday’s episode of “Lip Sync Battle.”) “Dancing With the Stars” champions Julianne and Derek Hough took their sibling rivalry to the next level in Thursday’s “Buy Cheap Levitra Lip Sync Battle” on Spike. Two-time “DWTS” champion Julianne once again faced off against her five-time Cheap Vardenafil Tablets champion brother — but this time in the lip-sync realm. “This is going to get ugly,” warned host LL Cool J, as Derek stepped Buy Levitra online forward. “This is your Buy Vardenafil chance Cheap Generic Levitra for a little sibling Generic Levitra revenge.” Also Read: ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Serves Up Another Surprise Elimination Derek started out with a song Vardenafil, he claimed his mother used to sing to him, “Can’t Hold Us” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (ft. Ray Dalton). Giving an energetic performance in loose jeans and an open peacoat jacket over a white T-shirt, the dancer later proclaimed his rendition “perfect.” “No, I’m just kidding,” he laughed. His Cheap Vardenafil Tabletssister, an actress and “DWTS” Buy Vardenafil Citrate judge, claimed he cheated, employing gyrations to distract from the battle’s Buy Levitra primary focus: “I feel like you pulled out all your stops with your pelvic thrusts — all of that stuff. That’s your move. That’s not Buy Vardenafil even fair. This is a lip-syncing contest.” Dismissed Buy Cheap Levitraby LL Cool J, Derek Cheap Levitra traded places with his sister, who took center stage for Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Bass.” Julianne Generic Levitra online pulled no punches and proceeded to put her brother’s relatively modest Cheap Generic Levitra opening to shame, doing sassy hair flips and wide hip swings in a snug, flame-red midriff-baring top-and-skirt combo. Cheap Levitra She was then Cheap Vardenafil Tablets joined onstage by Trainor herself, who ran her hand over Julianne’s Buy Cheap Levitra bass to great audience applause. Also Read: ‘Dancing With the Stars’ 10th Anniversary Special Brings Back Former Favorites “What’d I think?” Derek said. “It’s wildly inappropriate. And — I just call for a disqualification. You can’t do the real thing! Meghan, I thought we were Generic Levitra friends.” When the Hough vs. Hough family grudge match continued, Derek donned a white lob wig and performed Sia’s “Chandelier” with four background Buy Cheap Levitradancers in ethereal, wispy dance costumes. Cohost Chrissy Teigen swayed, holding up a lighter for the interpretive-dance(ish) performance. “You’re about to pull the bazooka out,” LL Cool J Cheap Generic Levitra said to Julianne in an aside that promised/forewarned Buy Levitra that Julianne was about to lay the real smackdown on her bro. In a Generic Levitra semi-confessional later, Julianne admitted Buy Levitra online that she intended to destroy Derek, who, she said, resents her judging him on “DWTS”: “Winning Cheap Levitrathis competition is probably the most important thing — in history — because the rivalry between Derek and I. I judge him on ‘Dancing With the Stars.’ He says it’s because, ‘Those who Buy Vardenafil can’t do, judge.’ … He’s so going down.” Also Read: 20 Emmy-Worthy Picks Cheap Vardenafil Tablets That Deserve a Closer Look Sure enough, she returned with Generic Levitra guns blazing, performing the Lonely Island’s “I Just Had Sex Generic Levitra online” with two Cheap Generic Levitra shirtless male dancers. Her brother’s mortified expression Buy Levitra online said it all: Julianne won the night. Derek: “I’m straight-up Buy Cheap Levitra traumatized right now.” See a video of Julianne’s “I Just Had Sex” Cheap Levitra lip sync here, Buy Vardenafil Citrate and Derek’s performance of “Can’t Hold Us” here.

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