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At my local hospital pharmacy, the UofT student is working for free while the Waterloo student is and has been getting paid. For example, Tulane, a very well respected school in global health, might be pretty upfront about what they want to see in terms of applicants, hence their applicants self-select out and save the adcom some time sifting through applications. 0, and I don't remember my exact MCAT (somewhere in the mid-30s). People here know much more than I do, but the general consensus is to take take 2 or 3 name's and go for the real deal soon after because nbme is what tells you really stand? Doctora Foxy, Mar 11, 2002, in forum: Pre-Medical Allopathic [ MD ]I had no idea TB even still existed before I came here. Which is I think what neuro, PM&R, and of course medicine do. In this vein, it's great that X therapy helps with Y problem, and that Y problem has Z genetics. I think at the end of the day it'll just be DMD/DDS in the medical world. Com and you can also private message me for more information. Offhand I would say that two years in IRTA is in the same ballpark as a solid Masters degree, although the experience in any lab and any degree program can vary wildly from one to the next.

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