
Where Can I Buy Clomid Serophene





Where Can I Buy Clomid Serophene

















































Clomid ®
Generics: Gonaphene ®, Serophene ®, Klomen ®

Active ingredient: Clomiphene

Clomid is a very effective medicine for both men and women. Often referred to as the “fertility pill” for women, Clomid improves the stimulation of developing follicles (eggs) in the ovaries. Clomid is an estrogen agonist/antagonist, it’s effective for being an antagonist in breast tissues as well as having a marked effect on the hypothalamus (HPTA). 60-80% of women treated with Clomid will ovulate normally, with half being able to become pregnant.

In women Clomid is used as a fertility drug.

In men Clomid has been proven very effective for promoting the secretion of LH (Luteinizing hormone). LH is responsible in men for the production of testosterone (the male hormone) by the leydig cells of the testes.

Clomid is used in men that have low testosterone levels and those who have low sperm count.
Clomid is also widely used among athletes and bodybuilders who abuse anabolic steroids, hormones and other performance enhancing substances. In these individuals, Clomid may have a profound effect as Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) in encouraging the body to produce testosterone naturally. Even short term use of steroids for several weeks have been shown in medical studies to suppress the body’s own natural production of testosterone.

Clomid may be used alone or in conjunction with HCG. There are many different protocols out there and it is important to stress than only a licensed doctor can give directions for individuals use. You may wish to consult with an endocrinologist who worked with athletes before, they have much more experience.

The regimen in which Clomid should be used depends on the individual condition, how long has he been using steroids and if HCG was used mid-cycle or not.

Some common Clomid regimen include:

  • Clomid 100mg (1 tab morning + 1 tab night) taken for 3 weeks, followed by another 3 weeks in which only 50mg (one tablet) of Clomid is taken. Most start Clomid use 3-6 days after the cycle is over. That allows Clomid to start working and overlap with exogenous testosterone that is still in the body. Bodybuilders who decided to wait 3 weeks or longer after the cycle to start Clomid may feel a “crash”. That’s the reason so many switch to start using it a few days after the cycle is over.
  • Some advocate the additional use of HCG during the first 3 weeks of Clomid usage, at about 1500iu taken 3 times a week. In that case, Clomid is taken 100mg for the first 3 weeks, along with Monday / Wednesday / Friday injections of HCG (1000iu to 2500iu each) done for the first 3 weeks. The next 3 weeks are followed with 50mg of Clomid a day, in hope to achieve a synergistic effect with Clomid and/or HCG.
  • Many medical studies show Nolvadex is also effective in increasing LH levels, as it works quite similar to the way Clomid works. For that reason, some add 10mg to 20mg of Nolvadex daily to their post cycle therapy.
  • There is quite an extensive medical research done about Clomid (Clomiphene) and it’s use in both men and women. Some quoted studies of particular interest are listed below.

    Article medical research extract:
    Select patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may respond to
    treatment with clomiphene citrate (Clomid)

    Article published on Fertility and Sterility, 2006 Sep
    Department of Urology, NY Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.

    OBJECTIVE: To review the management of male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) and evaluate the efficacy of clomiphene citrate (CC). DESIGN: Retrospective review. SETTING: Two university-based urology clinics. PATIENT(S): Ten patients referred for male infertility evaluation. INTERVENTION(S): Patients were treated with either clomiphene citrate or injectable gonadotropins. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Changes in seminal parameters, gonadotropin levels, serum testosterone, and pregnancy. RESULT(S): Ten men who were evaluated for infertility were diagnosed with HH. Four had Kallmann’s syndrome, four idiopathic HH, and two panhypopituitarism. Eight patients were azoospermic, and two were oligospermic on presentation. Three of the four men with adult-onset idiopathic HH responded to CC alone with increases in testosterone, FSH, and LH. Semen parameters in this group also improved, and two of the three men achieved pregnancies with CC alone. Out of the ten men actively attempting conception, four pregnancies were achieved. Three pregnancies (two with CC and one with gonadotropins) were in men diagnosed with adult-onset idiopathic forms of HH. CONCLUSION(S): Select patients with adult-onset idiopathic forms of HH may benefit from a trial of clomiphene citrate.
    Link to original article on pubmed

    Article medical research extract:
    Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) effects on testosterone/estrogen ratio in male hypogonadism.

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    Buy Clomid Online

    What is Clomid (Clomiphene)?

    This drug is called an ovulatory agent, and it is used to treat women who are infertile or are experiencing difficulty becoming pregnant. Clomid, also known as Clomiphene or Serophene, first appeared in the late 1950s and has been used as an effective infertility treatment ever since. Clomid is normally prescribed in 50 mg tablets, but 25 mg tablets are also available.

    How It Works

    Clomid works by causing ovulation to occur in women who are experiencing ovulation problems. The infertility drug alters the way in which four of the required hormones for ovulation, FSH, estradiol, GnRH and LH, interrelate.

    Benefits of Clomid

    • Induces natural ovulation in women
    • Increases the chances of patients getting pregnant
    • Stimulates ovulation for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    • Corrects irregular ovulation
    • Increases egg production

    Taking Clomid

    Most doctors will prescribe a 50 mg dose of Clomid to be taken for 5 days. If you have not experienced any recent bleeding of the uterus, you can begin the medication at anytime. However, if you experience bleeding beforehand, you will need to wait approximately 5 days before beginning treatment.

    If there is no ovulation during your first cycle, your doctor may prescribe a dose of 100 mg daily to be taken for another 5 days. That is the maximum dose for this particular drug. You are also not recommended to take Clomid for more than 6 treatment cycles.

    Possible Side Effects

    Clomid can cause headaches, nervousness, insomnia, tiredness, depression, hot flashes, restlessness, heavy menstrual periods or bleeding between periods, breast discomfort, dizziness or lightheadedness and depression. Be sure to stop taking Clomid and talk to your doctor if you suffer light sensitivity, symptoms of liver problems (yellow skin or eyes, dark urine, pale stools, poor appetite or abdominal pain) or blurred/decreased/double vision.

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