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Clomid is a non-steroidal drug prescribed for treatment of female infertility that was caused by ovulatory dysfunction. There are orally administered purchase Clomid tablets that contain 50mg of Clomiphene � a registered and approved for treating this disorder substance on the international market of pharmaceutical products. The manufacturer of where to buy Clomiphene 50mg tablets is a global pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis. In the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ and dozens of other countries buy Clomid online tablets are sold under prescription.

Clomid (Clomiphene): mechanism of action

Minimal doses of the pharmaceutical substance Clomiphene can increase the secretion of FSH hormones (steroidogenesis), LH hormones (folliculogenesis) and prolactin. Thereby, purchase Clomiphene online promotes the growth of ovarian follicles and stimulates ovulation.

Clomid: dosage guidelines

Before starting to administer order Clomid tablets uk, make sure it is not a male infertility of partner preventing a woman from conception. In addition, how to buy Clomid online can be used only for the treatment of anovulatory infertility diagnosed after the professional endocrinal and gynecological examination.

If buy Clomid (Clomiphene) is used for the treatment of infertility for the first time, a woman should take one purchase Clomid in usa 50mg tablet every 24 hours, within 5 days. If a woman has regular menstrual cycle, the first dose of purchase Clomid no prescription 50mg should be taken on the 5th day of her menstrual cycle. Women with amenorrhea may start a 5-day treatment course for treating anovulatory infertility by means of this drug on any day.

Commonly ovulation occurs between the 11th and the 15th days of the menstrual cycle. If during the first 1-2 weeks after the last dose of Clomid buy a woman did not become pregnant, she can repeat the treatment of anovulatory infertility. The second treatment course of infertility must be carried out no earlier than 30 days after the use of the last buy Clomid without prescription dose.

The daily dosage of buy online Clomid during the second treatment course should be doubled. Two tablets of Clomid 50mg should be taken once per every 24 hours, within 5 days. Each woman diagnosed with the anovulatory infertility should be aware that there should be no more than 3 full treatment courses involving the use of buy Clomid pills.

In a case the third infertility treatment course didn�t result in pregnancy, a woman may use some other drugs or methods to treat anovulatory infertility.

According to results of the clinical trials, about 30% of women with anovulatory dysfunction manage to become pregnant by means of Clomid pills. A no less important fact is that Clomid buy online is one of few drugs approved for anovulatory infertility treatment that is capable to increase the chances of multiple pregnancies.

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