
Legit Websites To Buy Clomid





Legit Websites To Buy Clomid

















































Buying Clomid Without a Prescription

Jess – I really strongly caution you against buying a RX online without a script.  Please please don’t risk it.  I have heard/seen horror stories of other meds bought on line and they were not what they thought they were buying.  However I have no personal knowledge of anyone buying any meds online.  Please don’t do anything to risk hurting youself – or throw your money away on sugar pills.

W 2006. E 2011 born at home

I wouldn’t buy a drug without a prescription.  It might mess something else up & you may not need it.  There’s a reason those doctors went to medical school. 

My sister has PCOS/fertility problems & her insurance doesn’t cover “fertility” type treatments/drugs.  So they’re basically coding everything up to the actual IVF as something else so that it’s covered.  That includes Clomid when she tried it.  Anyway, I would imagine dr’s have to deal with insurance problems all the time.  I would call them up or pay them a visit & explain your situation, and they may be able to work with you on it.  Either by coding it another way or giving you a discounted rate.

J.W. born November 2010

A.R. born September 2014

Jess – I did it. And let me tell ya, it was the real deal. Don’t ask what website I used though, cuz I can’t remember! I googled “clomid without a prescription” and got a ton of websites, lots of them for bodybuilders!

Here’s my thoughts on the issue. Canada and Australia and India are perfecty safe to buy drugs from. There are now websites that are sanctioned by the us government for medicare users to buy their 3 month supply of meds from that are in Canada. (I have heard this, but may be wrong)

India and Australia have the same, if not higher standards when it comes to medications. The FDA here is not all it’s cracked up to be sometimes..

The problem is this – if you order from overseas, they may be seized by customs, and have to be sent again. This happened to me. It wound up taking 2 months to get it.

It’s not as cheap you think it is. The bonus is that you can order as much as you want, so in the long run may be worthwhile, but you may wind up with a surplus you paid good money for, but may not ever use.

The process was a little scary, and I was so afraid that the website I used was just a scam to take my money and was just gonna disappear. I also felt like I was one step away from being a full fledged criminal! lol! Not really, but it was a little nervewracking. 

My Dr. was gonna give it to me anyway, but I lost my insurance and couldn’t go back to my dr, so I understand where you are at. I know my body, so I knew if anything happened, i knew what to do.

It was genuine clomid. And it worked. No problems, and I started at the reccommended dose and followed all the right directions. No problems, but like every synthetic hormone I take, I had every symptom and it made me nuts. But it worked.

Everything has it’s pros and cons, and you need to make the decision that is right for you. Just do your homework and you’ll be fine.

So would I do it again? Yep. Well, maybe, if the situation is right..

Heather� TTC #1 at 38 – 28 cycles and counting

Hello!  I’m a lurker, but I have some info. on this.

I was having trouble ovulating, so I went to my OB.  However, since I am under 35, I was told I needed to wait a year of TTC before they could help me.  They also told me I’d need to lose a significant amount of weight first, or their treatment wouldn’t work.  To further aggravate the situation, I am a lesbian and they told me they didn’t help “our kind” of people.  

Discouraged, I went online and found good reviews for an online pharmacy based in India.  After some research, I read about the high quality of the pills from India.  I placed an order for some 25mg pills (100, I think) and received the order in about a week.  I was afraid Custom would seize it, but it went right through. 

According to the website, we are allowed to buy overseas as long as we get a small amount for personal use, not for resale. 

I waited a few weeks for my period, but I skipped a cycle, and never got my period.  I finally I took the 50mg for five days starting on what should have been CD3, ended on CD7, and ovulated for the first time in six months on CD15.  We did our ICI the next day, and are currently in the TWW.

I was afraid of the possibility of it being a scam, or sugar pills, but when it comes down to it, we do what we have to do.  No one in my area is willing to help us, so we had to get help where we could.

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Pregnancy Info HOME

i bought clomid online last year when ttc because i was hoping for a girl and had great success on soy (but it sways blue). i just had a chemical pregnancy before taking it and ended up having loooong periods while on it and lots of spotting. im not sure if it was the clomid or the chemical. i ended up taking soy again and got pregnant with my now 8 month old. im trying to clomid again now with no problems. it’s 100 mg and i bought it from a place online from india.

Hello Mamamybe. I ordered my pills and got mine from India also. I started to take them on Saturday. Is this your first time taking Clomid? It is my first time and am REALLLLY excited! I had some nasty cramps today, but it will be worth it I hope! I am taking 100mg and got my AF a night time so I started taking my pills cd3 at night, I’m not sure why I just thought that I would start at night. Please stay in touch! It seems like we are close on CDs and think it would be great to chat about how it is going together. Anyone else out there taking Clomid?

Anyone know a good site where I can buy clomid??


Hi Bubbles,
Just read ur other post about ur appointment – sorry u didn’t get the attention u deserve. I think the procedure ur talking about is HyCoSy -not pleasant, but like they say clomid is a waste if u don’t know for sure. I went thru’ it but they couldn’t see one side because of my bowels being in the way! In the end I had the lap&dye which proved I was ok.

As for clomid, I wouldn’t have it unless being closely monitored. I was fortunately allowed 3months before my HCS, then had a break for the investigations -then another 3 months. Any more than that and ur risking ovarian cancer. Its not a miracle cure, its only useful if ur having trouble producing eggs, but it can ‘dry’ you out so sperm can’t survive as long, plus it has a detrimental effect on ur uterus lining (something I didn’t find out until afterwards, and I suspect why I had probs conceiving)

I don’t think they do this at every hospital, but at mine I had an internal scan on day 12. The first time revealed the clomid had overstimulated my ovaries and I’d produced at least 4 follicles ready to pop, which would have been dangerous. After that I was cut down, plus the day 21 blood test reveals if u have released the egg (as follicles can be empty) For me, I knew I was ovulating every month because of these tests and I still didn’t get pregnant on the clomid!

By all means go back to ur gp, but don’t take clomid unsupervised, as u don’t know why ur not getting pregnant yet, you don’t want to take any risks. I no its not what u want to hear hun, but ur time will come, tho’ u may not believe it at the moment. Good luck xxx


Heya guys;
sorry I’m just feelin really angry wiv the specialist n reckless. The longer I think about the appt the more annoyed I get that she didn’t even bother to check what I was already on n was gonna prescribe me it again. And then she said she cudnt do anything till hubby had sperm analysis done, when I said that had been done she looked in the file n said "oh yeah" and was then saying that she can’t imagine I have booked tubes but she needs to be 100% sure before she prescribes clomid, and she said "but there is a 4 month waiting list for that so we aren’t going to get anything done for quite a while" and that was it. Oh not to mention that she said the procedure has to be done 1 week after my af, when I asked how that was going to work as I get an af every 2-3 months at most she just said "you will just have to hope the appt times match up wiv ur days" she made it very obvious that it was pretty much hopeless and that she was almost 100% sure it was pointless procedure n she wud b prescribin clomid after.
I’m lookin to see if I can get the clomid goin privately while I wait 4 the procedure. Very pissed off wiv nhs, I wud rather everyone paid 4their own healthcare n then u get what u pay for but I refuse to get private healthcare when I pay 4 healthcare through ni contributions
sorry 4 the rant, but after the excelent service I got from my dr the service I got from the hospital was appaling!!
Thanks girls


When you know how much health care costs, you certainly wouldnt want to pay, and appreciate how much the NHS actually does for people.Have you not seen the state of U.S healthcare? Would you really like to live in a country where they ask you if you have insurance, BEFORE you get treated, if the answer is no, you’re asked to leave the hospital? Or get pregnant and have to pay $5000 in fees just to give birth? or turned away from the hospital altogether.


Zwitteron, hardly constructive advice. I think we’re all well aware of how lucky we are to be to have the nhs, no one is disputing that. I don’t know of ur situation, but I know Bubbles is going thru’ exactly what happened to me. Trying to get pregnant is an incredibly frustrating and emotional roller coaster of a journey. If ur experience with ‘some’ of the medical profession in the nhs adds to ur grief, its understandable that Bubbles wants to rant. Its not as if any of us have any time on our side. Bubbles, I feel for u I really do, don’t give up the dream. Sending u lots of *Baby dust* hun
hugs x ) x


Read your post and can completely understand why you are so upset and having a rant about how you were treated. I don’t know anything about clomid but I would say be really careful before you decide to buy it privately. There are a lot of dodgy web sites claiming to sell various different drugs on the internet but most of the drugs are fake and won’t do what they promise. You never know what you could be taking and could end up making yourself ill. I know it is frustrating to wait but Flowers is right, your time will come eventually. Good luck and also sending you lots of baby dust )


Hi girls;
zwitterion, everyone is entitled to their opinion and my opinion is that until the nhs proves it’s worth to me and what it’s spending my money on I am going to think they are all a waste of space!!
If my previous dr had done his job properly he wud have diagnosed pcos many yrs ago and put me on the pill, then my ovaries probably wudnt b scarred to buggary.
If my current consultant were doing her job properly she wud have read my file before wanting to prescribe me sumthin I’m already on and wanting hubby to have a test done that she had the results to I front of her. There is no excuse for incompetance anywhere, and the nhs is not exempt from this. I feel cheated out of my ni contributions.
As for ur question on wud I like to b asked if I had insurance when I go to hospital, yes I wud. I wud have healthcare insurance in place; the nhs reminds me of crap insurance when u think ur covered and it’s only when u go to make a claim u realise it’s rubbish n doesn’t cover everything.

Anyway, for everyone else thanks 4 being understanding, it’s very hard to know that u can’t have the help u need when u need it.
I can get clomid in Spain from a chemist but I promised hubby I wud wait a month n get all info on doin it private n how much it will actually cost us n take it from there.

Happy new year girls sorry tobe miserable hope u had a gd 1


May 2015 edited August 2015

I would not buy clomid from most online pharmacies as most are operated by unlicensed russians so be careful. This one is licensed and only available for Europeans it doesn’t require a previous prescription but just an easy online doctor consultation http//tinyurl.com/dokteronlineclomid

You could also try this book http//www.fast-fertility.com and see if it can get you pregnant naturally.

Legit Websites To Buy Clomid

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